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دعم الأطفال خلال الأزمات والكوارث

Support children during crises and disasters

إن الهدف من هذا الدليل هو تقديم التوجيه والدعم للآباء ومقدمي الرعاية في أوقات الأزمات والكوارث. يمكن أن يكون للأزمات تأثير عميق على الأطفال، جسديًا وعاطفيًا، ومن الضروري أن يتلقوا الدعم اللازم لمساعدتهم على التكيف والتعافي. سيحدد هذا الدليل العوامل الرئيسية التي يجب مراعاتها عند دعم الأطفال في أثناء الأزمات والكوارث، بالإضافة إلى تقديم النصائح والموارد العملية للمساعدة في تحقيق التعافي، وتعزز الإجراءات الوقائية

اضغط للحصول على الدليل

The goal of this guide is to provide guidance and support to parents and caregivers during times of crisis and disasters. Crises can have a profound impact on children, both physically and emotionally, and it is essential that they receive the necessary support to help them adapt and recover. This guide will identify the key factors that should be considered when supporting children during crises and disasters, in addition to providing practical advice and resources to help achieve recovery and promote the preventative measure

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What Makes us Different?

Advanced Experience

With almost two decades of fostering experiences in the research and development of assessment tools, we aim to efficiently serve professionals from the Arab countries in research assessment building practices. We help our professionals advance their knowledge and skills from psychometric research results. We beef up our customers through the progressive support that cater to their professionalism and maintains their client’s best of interest.

Industry Leader

Being a close-knit network, working meticulously with our worldwide partners of psychological test publishers and not-for-profit community organizations.  We conduct high-quality research and development in the fields of social science, education and psychometry. Our pioneering practices originate from our worldwide professional alliance. We are glad to present ourselves as industry leaders in many countries of the Arab world

Customized Services

We provide highly dedicated psychometric testing development that greatly helps in making deductions and understanding human psychological behaviour. This in turn facilitates in improving the quality and the evidence of psychological practices.  Our services in cognitive and behavioural assessment tools translation and standardization are highly customized and take into account the varying technical and cultural considerations that serve our specialist professional users’ practices.

Transformative Vision

We strive to adopt the well-recognized cognitive and behavioural assessment tools in the field and bring them to practice among assessment specialists. We are eager to equip the assessors with professional training for better assessment tool utilization and support the optimization of their clinical diagnostic and assessment decisions. Our transformative vision acts as an empowering source for our customers in Arabic countries.

Our Vision

Leading the psychological and educational testing industry in the Arab world.

Our Mission

Collaborate with international partners and researchers to produce and distribute psychological and educational assessments and tests that cater to the diverse needs of assessment specialists.

Psychological Test

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مقياس نافذة الجوهاري

  • Author: Amjed Abojedi
  • Questions: 12
  • License: Free
  • Age: 18 and above

قم بتقييم مستوى الوعي الذاتي والعلاقات الشخصية. يتكون هذا المقياس من عبارات تتعلق بالأرباع الأربعة من نافذة جوهري ويمكن للمشاركين تقييم موافقتهم على مقياس ليكرت من 1-5 (1 لا أوافق بشدة و 5 موافق بشدة). يمكن استخدام المقياس كأداة للتفكير والتطوير الشخصي  

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مقياس استراتيجيات التعامل

  • Author: Amjed Abojedi
  • Questions: 20
  • License: مجاني
  • Age: +18

أرجو قراءات العبارات التي تمثل أساليب التعامل مع الضغوط التي تواجهنا. يرجى تقييم درجة استخدامها لها على سلم تدريج خماسي(أبدًا، نادرًا، في بعض الأحيان، في كثير من الأحيان، دائمًا أو تقريبًا دائمًا). أرجو الإجابة بإعطاء أفضل تقدير ممكن من طرفك، حيث ستساعدنا إجاباتك على فهم ممارساتك الحالية في إدارة الضغوط.

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مقياس الاحتراق النفسي

  • Author: Amjed Abojedi
  • Questions: 15
  • License: مجاني
  • Age: 18 عام فاكثر

لكل من العبارات الخمسة عشر أدناه، اختر الإجابة التي تصفك بأفضل شكل من:(لا على الإطلاق، نادرًا، أحيانًا ، غالبًا ، كثيرًا جدًا).  أجب عن الأسئلة كما أنت في الواقع (وليس كيف تعتقد أنك يجب أن تكون)، بعد الانتهاء من الإجابة سوف تظهر النتيجة تبين لك مستوى الاحتراق النفسي بناء على الإجابات التي قدمتها.

Our Products

Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder- Arabic version (CASDAR)

The CASD offers a quick, valid means of screening for, and diagnosing, children with Autism, regardless of age, IQ or Autism severity. It consists of a comprehensive list of 30 symptoms of Autism, scored as present (either currently, or in the past) or absent, based on a semi-structured interview with the parent; information from the child’s teacher or child care provider; observations of the child, and other available records. Studies show the CASD differentiates children with Autism from those with ADHD with 99.5 percent accuracy, and from typical children with 100 percent accuracy. It is equally effective in identifying children who have Autism and normal, or below normal, intelligence.

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The Stroop Color and Word Test

The Stroop Color and Word Test provide a diagnosis of brain dysfunction, and the evaluation of stress, personality cognition and psychopathology. The Stroop phenomenon has been found to be useful in the identification of a number of significant disorders and has been recommended as a valuable test for ADD/ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and to ascertain the degree of independence likely to be achieved by individuals with frontal lobe disorders.

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Merrill-Palmer Revised Scales-Of-Development (M-P-R) - Arabic Version

The Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development (M-P-R) assesses cognitive, social, emotional, self-help; together with fine and gross motor development in infants and children under the age of 6 months to 6 years old. It is an individually administered, norm-referenced measure. The M-P-R consists of four (4) discrete assessment batteries. Parent reports are given in the areas of Expressive Language, Social-Emotional Development, Social-Emotional Temperament, and Self-Help/Adaptive.

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International Performance Scale - Arabic Version (Leiter-3)

The Leiter-3 is an individually administered test designed to assess cognitive functions in children, adolescents, and adults - from ages 3 years to 75+ years old. The test includes measures of non-verbal intelligence in fluid reasoning and visualization, as well as appraisals of non-verbal memory, attention, and cognitive interference. This third edition is the most recent and significant intelligence scale throughout the world.

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We do a range of research for organizations. This service will include: a) needs assessment, b) community-based research and c) survey research. We work with each client to clarify their needs and situation and make sure that we are able to design, execute and communicate the results of the research tailor-fitted to them. Based on the results of the research we also offer Program Development & Evaluation to further support the needs of our professionals

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Psychometrics’ tools development

We have the commitment to advance the psychological assessment industry in the Arab region by creating partnerships with major psychological test publishers in the world to translate these tests into the Arabic language. Our previous experience demonstrated how we successfully translated and standardized many assessment tools into the Arabic language. Also, we offer services to organizations looking to develop psychological measures in all areas of assessment: educational, clinical and occupational. From large publishers to smaller consultancies and clinics, we have decades of experience in meeting customized test specifications

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Scoring system development

We have the capacity to help transform the psychometric practice by using a web-based application for assessment tools, administration, scoring, and reporting. We do this by using the most advanced technology in building interactive, responsive and user-friendly applications for psychological assessment purposes

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psychological assessment training

We offer certified training for clinicians, special education practitioners and pediatricians to administer, score and interpret the results of our assessment tools. Standard training modules are available but we can also work with the client to develop specific training designs to suit the individual needs of our professionals.

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Arabic Leiter-3 Certificate

Get the recognition you deserve!

We offer credible recognition training for cognitive assessment professionals and experts as they advance in their practical assessment skills. This certificate builds on four main pillars:

  1. This certificate verifies the adequate understanding of assessment processes, knowledge in psychopathology, neurodevelopmental disorders, and the cultural dimension of psychrometric processes.
  2. The certificate demonstrates advanced practical skills in cognitive assessment (including non-verbal cognitive assessment and in particular Arabic Leiter-3: background, administration process, scoring and report result interpretation, and the appreciation of professional and ethical practice in psychometric and assessment.
  3. The certification process capitalizes on our professionals’ previous knowledge and provides additional supervision until they sufficiently comply with all the tasks to complete the certificate requirements and the standards set.
  4. The certificate means mastery & professionalism.
Step 1


Send your application to attend the training

Step 2


Attend the Leiter certificate training

Step 3


Obtain the certificate after the completion of the requirement

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