The Stroop Color and Word Test provide a diagnosis of brain dysfunction, and the evaluation of stress, personality cognition and psychopathology. The Stroop phenomenon has been found to be useful in the identification of a number of significant disorders and has been recommended as a valuable test for ADD/ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and to ascertain the degree of independence likely to be achieved by individuals with frontal lobe disorders.
Widely used for many years, the Stroop tests basic processes, is stable over long periods of time and is easy to administer and score.
The cognitive dimension tapped by Stroop is associated with cognitive flexibility, resistance to interference from outside stimuli, creativity and psychopathology-all of which influence the individual’s ability to cope with cognitive stress, and process complex output.
Since it requires only five minutes to administer, the Stroop Color and Word Test is an exceptionally useful screening instrument, which may be used alone, or as part of a larger screening battery.
Each Stroop Test Booklet consists of three basic parts: Word Page-the names of colour printed in black ink; Color Page-semantically meaningless symbols (X) printed in coloured ink, and Color-Word Page-comprised of the words from the first page, printed in the colours from the second page, with the restriction that the word and colour do not match.
The task is to look at each sheet and move down the columns, reading words or naming the ink colours, as quickly as possible, within a given time limit. The test yields three scores, and Interference, based on the number of items completed

Why use M-P-R?
- Early identification of developmental delays
- Change-sensitive assessment of premature infants
- Measurement of incremental improvement in development
- Reliable and valid developmental assessment for children with limited expressive language ability
- The comprehensive assessment required by IDEA, to develop Individual Family Service Plans (IFSP) and Individual Education Plans (IEP)
Who can administer Leiter-3?
- Graduate-level training in intellectual assessment
- Psychologists
- Occupational therapists
- Educational diagnosticians
- Speech and language pathologists
*Final Scoring And Interpretation Would Best Be Conducted By Experienced Psychologists Who Adhere To Ethical Standards.
M-P-R assessment use
- Assess children for general development.
- Assess infants and children for possible developmental delays or disabilities.
- Assess children with hard-of-hearing conditions, autism or other cases of limited expressive language.
- Re-evaluations of individuals previously identified as developmentally delayed.
- Preschool assessments in research projects, dissertations and theses.
- Other uses requiring a nationally-standardized measure of child development
The Merrill-Palmer-R measures the following domains
- Cognitive Development — Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning, Memory, Visual Motor and Speed of Processing
- Language/Communication Development — Receptive and Expressive Language, evaluated by Examiner and Parent
- Motor Development — Fine Motor and Gross Motor
- Social-Emotion Behavior — Developmental Scale and Clinical Data, rated by Examiner and Parent
- Self-Help/Adaptive Behavior — Developmental and Global Examiner and Parent Rating Scales
Cognitive Battery
- Developmental Index (DI
- Cognition C
- Fine Motor (FM)
- Receptive Language (RL) or Infantile Language (IL) for children under one year of age
- Memory (M) or Childhood Memory (CM) for children under one year of age
- Visual-Motor Coordination (VM)
Gross Motor Scale (GM)
Supplementary scales or observational
- Expressive Language Scale-Examiner (EL-E)
- Expressive Language Scale-Parent (EL-P)
- Expressive Language-Parents (EL-P)
- Infant Expressive Language (IEL) for children under one year of age
- Socio-Emotional Scale (SE)
- Temperament Scale Style
- Adaptive Behaviour Scale and Self-Care