

The third edition of the International Performance Scale (Leiter-3), is the most recent and significant intelligence scale throughout the worldThe Leiter-3 is an individually administered scale designed to assess cognitive functions in children, adolescents, and adults aged 3 years to 75+ years. The scale aims to assess many areas of nonverbal intelligence, such as fluid reasoning and visualization, as well as appraisals of nonverbal memory, attention, and cognitive interference


  1. An introduction to intelligence and cognitive abilities and explanation of the normal distribution curve – (Gus Curve for Classification of Capabilities). 
  2. The difference between psychological assessment and psychological testing – using the testing in psychological and mental evaluation. 
  3. A brief history of the Leiter-3 scale as well as the difference between the Leiter-3 scale and other IQ 
  4. Creating an appropriate environment for the scale application in addition to the theoretical basis for the Leiter-3 scale. 
  5. Explanation of cognitive battery items include the explanation and application of the Figure Ground (FG)Form Completion (FC)  
  6. Explanation and application of the Classification/Analogies in addition to explanation and application of the Sequential Order (SO)   
  1. Explanation and application of the Visual Patterns (VP)—Alternate and a preliminary interpretation of cognitive battery outcomes. 
  2. Comprehensive cognitive battery practical applicationexplanation of profiles for the cognitive battery and clinical significance of the cognitive battery. 
  3. Explanation of the memory/attention battery items, explanation and application of forwarding memory scale items and explanation and application of items of Reverse Memory (RM)  
  4. Explanation and application of Attention Sustained, explanation and application of Nonverbal Stroop (NS) and explanation and application of Attention Divided (AD)  
  5. A preliminary interpretation of the memory/attention battery results, memory/attention battery practical application. 
  6. Profiles for the memory/attention battery explained and clinical significance of the memory/attention battery. 


Ammaan Jordan

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