The Leiter-3 is an individually administered test designed to assess cognitive functions in children, adolescents, and adults – from ages 3 years to 75+ years old. The test includes measures of non-verbal intelligence in fluid reasoning and visualization, as well as appraisals of non-verbal memory, attention, and cognitive interference. This third edition is the most recent and significant intelligence scale throughout the world. In 2019, our team of research and psychrometric experts translated the Leiter-3 into the Arabic language, and in 2020, the Arabic Leiter version was published. An Arabic Leiter version is now used by many special education centers in Lebanon, Qatar, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.
Leiter-3 has retrained the best of the widely used Leiter-R subsets and includes a number of new measures. It now uses a refined block-and-farm format. Plus, foam manipulation is easier for manipulation by all subjects. Completely nonverbal. The Leiter-3 maintains an easy game-like administration throughout the test, which holds the interest of a wide range of ages and clinical groups.
Overall efficiency and utility of the Leiter-3 have been increased by combining Leiter-R subsets and removing items with similar difficulty levels, based on Leiter-R data. Through this process. The number of subsets has been reduced from 20 to 10. The streamlined Leiter-3 provides an improved assessment of fluid reasoning and Attention/Memory.
Why use Leiter-3?
- Need to early identification of cognitive delays
- Need for measurement of small increments of improvement in cognitive ability
- Need for a reliable and valid scale of intelligence regardless of language or motor ability
- Need for transition planning for entering the world of work
Who can administer Leiter-3?
- Graduate-level training in intellectual assessment
- Psychologists
- Occupational therapists
- Educational diagnosticians
- Speech and language pathologists
*Final Scoring And Interpretation Would Best Be Conducted By Experienced Psychologists Who Adhere To Ethical Standards.
Group of the individual Leiter-3 are using with them
- Significant communication disorders
- Autism
- Cognitive delay
- Dominance in a language other than English
- Learning disabilities
- Hearing impairments
- Attention-deficit disorder
- Motor impairments
- Traumatic brain injury
- Various adults brain disorders including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia
Leiter-3 includes two groups of subtests
Cognitive Battery
Unlike other IQ tests, the Leiter-3 emphasizes fluid intelligence, the truest measure of an individual’s innate cognitive abilities. This makes Leiter-3, more accurate and fairer. Since IQ is not significantly influenced by the individual’s educational, social, and family experience.
- Figure-Ground (FG)
- Form Completion (FC)
- Classification/Analogies (CA)
- Sequential Order (SO)
- Visual Patterns (VP)- optional
Attention/Memory Battery
Attention and memory subsets enhance interpretation of a global IQ score by providing valuable diagnostic indicators regarding the score on the cognitive portion of the Leiter-3. They also distinguish individuals with ADHD, LD, or neuropsychological impairment, from typically functioning individuals
- Attention Sustained (AS)
- Forward Memory (FM)
- Attention Divided (AD)
- Reverse Memory (RM)
- Nonverbal Stroop (NS)
Examiner Rating Scale
The Social-Emotional Examiner Rating Scale Gathers Information About The Individual’s
- Attention
- Organization skills
- Impulse control
- Activity level
- Anxiety
- Energy and feeding
- Mood regulation
- Sociability
- Sensory reactivity
There are five primary rationales that highlighted the need for the Leiter-3
- Expand the scientific knowledge base of theory, clinical research and assessment
- Early identification of cognitive delays early intervention is paramount in preparing a child for school
- Measurement of small increments of improvement in cognitive ability.
- Reliable and valid intelligence measurement regardless of language or motor ability
- Transition planning for entering the world of work.
Leiter -3 Arabic version
The Arabic version of the international performance scale (Leiter-3) was developed based on the signed agreement between the Leiter-3 publisher (Stoelting publishing) and (Resilience Counselling, Research, and Consultation- Canada), and in partnership with the Bana Center for Consultancy, Research, and Training in Jordan. This partnership facilitated the use of many technical resources to issue an Arabic version, and it allowed us to benefit from the accumulated experiences of the different parties involved in producing an Arabic version with high-quality technical specifications.
In 2019, our team of research and psychrometric experts translated the Leiter-3 into the Arabic language, and in 2020, the Arabic Leiter-3 version was published. An Arabic Leiter version is now used by many special education centers in Lebanon, Qatar, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.